Reporting and Evaluation

These pages provide resources related to the Part D data collection for coordinators, subgrantees, data administrators and facilities and programs.
Collecting and Using Data for Title I, Part D Programs
Ensuring accurate data collection, data reporting, and data use for program evaluation purposes are important and essential components of Title I, Part D (Part D), programs. Data on academic and vocational outcomes provide information that the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and States need to assess student progress, demonstrate whether programs are meeting requirements, and identify needs so resources can be targeted appropriately.
Information is provided throughout these pages for Part D coordinators, subgrantees, and data administrators in relation to the Federal data collection; results and data from previous data collections; tools and resources to assist with data use; and information related to developing comprehensive data systems and implementing pre- and posttesting within programs.
***Starting with the 2023-2024 school year the United States Department of Education has made changes to the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) and EDFacts data collection requirements. As a result, documents that discuss data collection that were created prior to July 2023, may contain outdated file specifications, links, and/or language. Please be sure to consult with your technical assistance provider at NDTAC and/or the Department if you have any questions.***
Title I, Part D (Part D) requires State education agencies (SEAs) to annually submit information regarding the educational progress of students served with Part D funds (see Subpart 3, Section 1431(a)). The purpose of the Federal collection is to provide the U.S. Department of Education (ED) with data that demonstrate the effectiveness of Title I, Part D educational programs relative to the opportunities students have and the progress they are making in local district schools. SEAs report these data annually through two reporting tools: Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) and EDFacts. The documents and links on the CSPR and EDFacts tabs are intended to assist in understanding the Federal data collection requirements and the relationship between the CSPR and EDFacts collection tools.
Consolidated State Performance Report
The CSPR is a data collection tool administered online by ED's Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE). All States receiving Part D funding must respond to the reporting requirements in the CSPR. Portions of the data requested in the CSPR are collected (or populated) through EDFacts. For an overview of the CSPR process and timeline, visit NDTAC's Federal Data Reporting and the CSPR Web page.
***Starting with the 2023-2024 school year the United States Department of Education has made changes to the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) and EDFacts data collection requirements. As a result, documents that discuss data collection that were created prior to July 2023, may contain outdated file specifications, links, and/or language. Please be sure to consult with your technical assistance provider at NDTAC and/or the Department if you have any questions.***
Featured Resources
Related Resources
Title I, Part D (Part D), requires State education agencies (SEAs) to annually submit information regarding the educational progress of students served with Part D funds (see Subpart 3, Section 1431(a)). The purpose of the Federal collection is to provide the U.S. Department of Education (ED) with data that demonstrate the effectiveness of Title I, Part D, educational programs relative to the opportunities students have and the progress they are making in local district schools. SEAs report these data annually through two reporting tools: Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) and EDFacts. The documents and links on the CSPR and EDFacts tabs are intended to assist in understanding the Federal data collection requirements and the relationship between the CSPR and EDFacts collection tools.
The EDFacts initiative began in 2003 to integrate the multiple data collections throughout ED into a single location. The goals of EDFacts are to promote high-quality data collection and reduce the reporting burden by streamlining data collection, analysis, and reporting. Currently, several reporting categories within the Title I, Part D section of the CSPR can only be reported via the EDFacts file specifications.
In addition to the EDFacts information on NDTAC's Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) tab, the documents and links below provide information that is frequently updated by EDFacts and important for anyone involved in the Part D data collection. We recommend checking these resources regularly for updates.
***Starting with the 2023-2024 school year the United States Department of Education has made changes to the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) and EDFacts data collection requirements. As a result, documents that discuss data collection that were created prior to July 2023, may contain outdated file specifications, links, and/or language. Please be sure to consult with your technical assistance provider at NDTAC and/or the Department if you have any questions.***
Related Resources
National and State Reports & Summaries
Title I, Part D (Part D), data are used in a variety of ways—both to assess program performance at the Federal level and to assist States in examining the performance of their own programs. This page provides access to existing data summaries and program performance reports for Part D. These State and national summaries reflect the academic outcomes of students enrolled in neglected, delinquent, or at-risk (N or D) programs receiving Part D funding. Several of these resources are updated annually based on the most recent Title I, Part D, data collection.
Data Quality & Program Evaluation
Title I, Part D (Part D), data can be used by administrators, teachers, and others in a number of ways, including to review and improve the quality of the data itself; to conduct needs assessments and program evaluations; and to share and disseminate information with students, parents, and other stakeholders. However, data-based decision making can only occur when the data are of high quality and reliable. The resources and tools on this page focus on understanding the need for and importance of quality data and promoting data use and program evaluation. These resources expand on the information contained in the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) and EDFacts tabs, which are also intended to assist States in understanding the data collection process and facilitate the collection of accurate and high-quality data.
Featured Resources
Related Resources
Data Systems
Having integrated, student-level, and longitudinal data collection systems is essential for sharing information, reducing the burden of data collection, producing high-quality data, and improving student achievement. These resources focus on helping States think strategically about improving their efforts in these areas.
Related Resources
Pre- and Post-Testing and Assessments
Pre-post assessments are an integral part of assessing the academic progress of students in reading and mathematics in Title I, Part D (Part D), programs, but approaches to pre-posttesting vary widely across and within States. The resources on this page highlight the process of selecting an appropriate test and some of the different approaches being taken by States and Federal programs in this area.
Featured Resources
This tip sheet highlights areas to consider and key questions for Title I, Part D administrators to ask regarding the selection of an appropriate pre-posttest for tracking student progress in reading and mathematics, particularly for students receiving educational services in juvenile justice and child welfare settings. Pre-posttesting outcomes for students are a key indicator for Title I, Part D programs.
- Click to download (PDF)
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