Conference Description
Annually, the Unites States Department of Education allocates Title I, Part D (TIPD) funds to support almost all juvenile detention centers and adult correctional facilities that serve youth in the United States. TIPD funds support programming in these settings that aim to:
- Ensure youth who are neglected or delinquent have the opportunity to meet the same challenging State academic standards that all children are expected to meet;
- Improve educational services for children and youth who are neglected, delinquent, or at risk of involvement with the juvenile justice system;
- Provide children and youth who are neglected or delinquent with the services needed to make a successful transition from institutions to schools and/or employment;
- Prevent youth who are at risk of academic failure from dropping out of school; and
- Provide children and youth who have dropped out of school, or who are returning to school after residing in an institution, with a support system to ensure their continued education. Juvenile Justice stakeholders need to be aware of what this funding stream is and how it is used to improve educational outcomes for youth in their districts.
During the presentation at the 2023 OSEP annual conference, representatives from NDTAC introduced information about how TIPD funds and the Center’s resources can improve outcomes for youth in secure settings. Attendees were provided with information and tools that can assist in their work to further efforts to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline, support youth reentry efforts, and reduce racial and ethnic disparities in youth educational outcomes. This was accomplished through the following primary learning objectives of the session:
- Understand how TIPD funding is generated, distributed, and used to holistically support the educational needs of youth
- Know to access state and local TIPD data and data tools to track outcomes for youth supported by various programs across the U.S. and Puerto Rico, including variations in youth educational outcomes across key demographics (e.g., student race)
Relevant Resources: