

Webinar Description

The Transition Services webinar allowed State coordinators to gain a better understanding of how to overcome challenges to successfully transition youth from secure care settings back to their families, schools, and communities and what resources are available. This informal conversation allowed participants to hear from State coordinators as it relates to their leadership in providing successful transition services to youth and families. In addition, participants were able to glean knowledge about how transition evidence-based practices have an impact on youth and family success and the challenges they need to overcome. Utilizing a “dual-lens” approach, the discussion focused on the systems delivery aspect, as well as the recipient of services aspect.


Jennifer Loeffler-Cobia, PhD, Jennifer Loeffler-Cobia is the Director of Justice and Public Health Policy and Practice for WestEd’s Justice and Prevention Research Center (JPRC). She brings over 20 years of experience working in justice, public health, and community settings and is well-versed in evidence-based practices to translate research into actionable outcomes of reducing recidivism, violence, and substance misuse. She has expertise in building organizational capacity to select and implement evidence-based practices and to advance system change through multisector evaluation, training, and collaboration. She has been instrumental in justice evidence-based justice system reform in many states.

Lisa Hutchinson, PhD, has 29 years of direct experience managing juvenile justice projects, contributing to the development and implementation of national, state, and local strategic initiatives to improve juvenile justice systems and teaching and training others to positively impact the field of juvenile justice. Dr. Hutchinson has direct experience working collaboratively with numerous states and territories receiving Title II, Title V and Second Chance Act federal funds on strategic planning, racial and ethnic disparities, youth involvement, state advisory group training, planning for effective reentry, implementing evidence-based programs, program evaluation, and content-specific action planning. community organizing, systems change facilitation, best practices in juvenile reentry and training and technical assistance.


Ada Daniels, Institutional and Title 1 Neglected and Delinquent Program Supervisor Lead at the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction in Olympia, Washington

David Sollami, Education Specialist, Title 1 Part D State Coordinator, Utah 

Francine StrombergTitle 1 Part D State Coordinator, New Jersey

Webinar Materials

September 2023 Transition Services: Recording

September 2023 Transition Services: Transcript

September 2023 Transition Services: Presentation