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Our Mission

The overarching mission of NDTAC is to improve educational programming for youth who are neglected or delinquent. NDTAC is legislated to:

  1. Provide information, resources, and direct technical assistance to States and those who support or provide education to youth who are neglected or delinquent. See the Technical Assistance section for more information.
  2. Develop a model and tools to assist States and providers with reporting data and evaluating their services. See the Program Evaluation & Data Reporting section for more information.
  3. Serve as a facilitator to increase information-sharing and peer-to-peer learning at State and local levels. See the Facilitating Information Sharing section for more information.

Technical Assistance

Information, resources, and technical assistance are provided through a variety of avenues, including website resources, Center-sponsored conferences and webinars, and personalized assistance. On this site, practitioners can learn about innovative programs and practices, gain information on Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and how it affects the neglected and delinquent population, and connect to direct assistance. 

Program Evaluation & Data Reporting

NDTAC, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Education (ED), has worked to create a model for evaluating all Title I, Part D programs routinely and in a uniform manner. A set of performance measures are collected annually from each State through ED’s Consolidated State Performance Reports (CSPR). The 2004-05 school year marked the first full-scale collection of the Title I, Part D performance measures. A major focus of NDTAC’s technical assistance services is the annual data collection process and data quality improvement. 

NDTAC also assists in disseminating the program’s evaluation results for purposes of (1) addressing Federal reporting requirements, such as the Title I, Part D indicators for the Government Performance and Results Act; (2) providing information to Congress and legislators on the progress of students in Part D programs; and (3) providing feedback to the field about the performance of juvenile justice education programs in their States or localities.

Facilitating Information Sharing and Peer-to-Peer Learning

State and local administrators across the country often face similar challenges and independently find solutions that may benefit their peers. NDTAC recognizes that the opportunity to discuss questions and innovative solutions with other administrators, practitioners, and experts in the field is invaluable. Therefore, the Center coordinates activities that facilitate cross-agency and cross-State communication. NDTAC also works to facilitate collaborative relationships between agencies and families, mentors, and community organizations.