The Mentoring Toolkit 2.0: Resources for Developing Programs for Incarcerated Youth
Research has demonstrated that adolescents with a high-quality supportive adult in their lives are more likely to enroll in post-secondary education often resulting in a happy and more productive adulthood. Mentor programs can provide that supportive adult that so many youth who are involved in the juvenile justice system need. Through our work at NDTAC, we have promoted the idea of increased positive adult role models for youth who are system-involved results in better youth outcomes. We are proud to announce the release of The Mentoring Toolkit 2.0: Resources for Developing Programs for Incarcerated Youth. The revised toolkit provides information, program descriptions, and links to important resources that can assist juvenile correctional facilities and other organizations to design effective mentoring programs for neglected and delinquent youth, particularly those who are incarcerated.
The Mentoring Toolkit 2.0 is organized as follows:
Section 1. Mentoring: A Promising Intervention Strategy. This section contains a review of the literature on effective mentoring strategies. Information on the limited body of knowledge available on programs designed specifically for incarcerated youth is included.
Section 2. Characteristics of Juvenile Offenders. This section describes the learning, social–emotional, and behavioral characteristics of youth residing in juvenile facilities.
Section 3. Designing Effective Mentoring Programs for Neglected and Delinquent Youth. This section explores the challenges that should be considered and the major benefits of establishing mentoring programs for these youth. It also describes the critical elements that should be included in juvenile justice mentoring.
Section 4. Tools for Developing Mentoring Programs. This section presents links to specific tools and resources that can be used by program developers to design and implement effective programs, to minimize the duplication of this information in this document.
Section 5. Program Overviews: This section contains brief descriptions of selected mentoring programs that serve delinquent and justice-involved youth.