
NDTAC Brief: Getting to Outcomes in Juvenile Justice Education Using Title 1 Part D Program Data

A core requirement of Title 1, Part D programs is the expectation that State Coordinators collect data on youth who are supported through Title 1, Part D programs. The U.S. Department of Education collects this data from States annually and the National Technical Assistance Center for the Education of Neglected or Delinquent Children and Youth (NDTAC) reviews this information. This data is particularly important because youth education programs that are driven by evidence are most effective in getting to specific outcomes.

Specifically, this resource will:

  1. Introduce Title 1, Part D program data and how to access the data
  2. Illustrate how to use Title 1, Part D data to assess disparities in program outcomes, with a focus on juvenile justice education as an example, and
  3. Explain the importance of data-driven decision making and discuss strategies to achieve youth outcomes.


Administering Title I

Subgrantee Monitoring


Non-Secure Settings
Secure Long Term Settings
Secure Short Term Settings

Resource Type

Reports & Briefs


Exit & Reentry
Dropout & Delinquency Prevention

Resource Date