
NDTAC Tipsheet: Justice-Impacted Youth Transitions and Technology Use

While limiting the length of time that youth are incarcerated is important to their overall development, having plans in place for youth to access quality education when incarcerated and released into the community is essential to a reduction in youth recidivism. Incarceration and health crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic can disrupt a youth’s access to, and quality of education. Therefore, strategies that can support youth who are incarcerated and their access to education in future pandemics or health crisis are necessary. Successful strategies should be versatile and responsive to the needs of youth who are returning from correctional settings. In preparation for youth transitioning back to the community, States should ensure that:

a) school environments are conducive for educational learning;

b) plans incorporate the use of trauma-informed approaches in the provision of educational programming; and

c) education is normalized so that youth do not fall behind in school if incarcerated nor when they return to the community.

This NDTAC COVID series Tip Sheet, Justice-Impacted Youth Transitions and Technology Use, expands on prior ED/DOJ guidance for providing high-quality education in juvenile justice secure care settings as the Tipsheet underscores the importance of integrating technology to enhance digital learning opportunities that may lead to positive transition/academic outcomes for youth. 
This resource is the second in a series of three NDTAC Tipsheets that address Transition for Youth who are Incarcerated During COVID-19. Please additionally see Tipsheet #1: Effective Transition Back to School During COVID-19 and Tipsheet #3: Incarcerated Youth Transitions and IEP Implementation.


Non-Secure Settings
Secure Long Term Settings
Secure Short Term Settings

Resource Type

Tips, Tools & Toolkits


Coordination and Collaboration
Exit & Reentry
Safe & Supportive Learning Environments
Student Support Services
Teaching with Technology

Resource Date