
NDTAC Guide: Beginning With the End in Mind: State Title I, Part D Logic Model Development Guide for Youth Who Are Neglected or Delinquent

The State Title I, Part D (Part D) coordinator or other administrators of Part D programs have a focus on improving outcomes for children and youth. One way of outlining these goals and the path to achieving them is through the use of a logic model. This guide describes what a logic model is, outlines why and how a logic model can be useful, and provides questions to consider when designing a logic model. This tool provides two sections: (1) logic model development for programs serving youth in juvenile justice settings and (2) logic model development for programs serving youth in neglect settings. Each section proposes five long-term outcomes or system changes and includes detailed questions that walk through logic model creation using these outcomes. A template is included that can be filled out on the basis of the questions in the guide.

Administering Title I

Planning and Funding



Resource Type

Reference & Implementation Guides


Coordination and Collaboration

Resource Date