
State COVID-19 Information

NDTAC has compiled a list of links of state education agencies' (SEA) webpages on COVID-19. Many SEAs have developed dedicated webpages for updates and frequently asked questions where they are attempting to centralize all COVID-19 related information. SEA pages are listed alphabetically below.  

Alabama Department of Education
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development
Arizona Department of Education
Arkansas Department of Education
California Department of Education
Colorado Department of Education
Connecticut Department of Education
Delaware Department of Education
District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education
Florida Department of Education
Georgia Department of Education
Hawaii Department of Education
Idaho State Department of Education
Illinois State Board of Education
Indiana Department of Education
Iowa Department of Education
Kansas Department of Education
Kentucky Department of Education
Louisiana Department of Education
Maine Department of Education
Maryland State Department of Education
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Michigan Department of Education
Minnesota Department of Education
Mississippi Department of Education
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Montana Office of Public Instruction
Nebraska Department of Education
Nevada Department of Education
New Hampshire Department of Education
New Jersey Department of Education
New Mexico Department of Education
New York State Department of Education
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
Ohio Department of Education
Oklahoma State Department of Education
Oregon Department of Education
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Rhode Island Department of Education
South Carolina Department of Education
South Dakota Department of Education
Tennessee State Department of Education
Texas Education Agency
Utah State Board of Education
State of Vermont Agency of Education
Virginia Department of Education
Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
West Virginia Department of Education
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Wyoming Department of Education
American Samoa
Federated States of Micronesia
Northern Mariana Islands
Puerto Rico
Republic of Palau
Republic of the Marshall Islands
The Virgin Islands





Alabama Department of Education




Alaska Department of Education and Early Development




Arizona Department of Education

Q: What schools are not affected by the COVID-19 school closure declaration?

“The declaration does NOT apply to:

  • Online schools and drop out recovery programs that have the capacity to operate remotely. These programs/online schools should stay open and continue to offer services to students and honor contracts with school districts.
  • Daycare facilities and preschools, which are encouraged to follow all guidance by the Department of Health Services (see HERE). Families are encouraged to keep children at-home whenever possible and to reserve spots in day-care and other childcare facilities for the children of first responders, healthcare workers, and other essential workers.
  • Adult education programs, although ADE has recommended all these programs close their face-to-face classes from 3/16 through 3/27/2020.
  • Educational programs offered in county jails and county juvenile detention centers. We advise these programs to follow protocols by the Arizona Department of Corrections and Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections” (p. 2).




Arkansas Department of Education




California Department of Education




Colorado Department of Education

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Governor of the State of Colorado and, in particular, pursuant to Article IV, Section 2 of the Colorado Constitution and the relevant portions of the Colorado Disaster Emergency Act, C.R.S. § 24-33.5-701, el seq. (Act), I, Jared Polis, Governor of the State of Colorado, hereby issue this Executive Order declaring that, due to the presence of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Colorado, all public and private elementary and secondary schools in Colorado, including public preschools on public school campuses, and excluding approved facility schools as defined in C.R.S. § 22-2-402(1), shall suspend normal in-person instruction from March 23, 2020 to April 17, 2020.




Connecticut Department of Education




Delaware Department of Education




District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education

Florida Department of Education







Georgia Department of Education




Hawaii Department of Education




Idaho State Department of Education




Illinois State Board of Education




Indiana Department of Education




Iowa Department of Education




Kansas Department of Education




Kentucky Department of Education




Louisiana Department of Education




Maine Department of Education




Maryland State Department of Education




Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education




Michigan Department of Education




Minnesota Department of Education




Mississippi Department of Education

    • Contains links to the following:
    • Assessment, Accountability and Accreditation
    • Distance Learning
    • Educational Stability for Students in Foster Care
    • Educational Services for Students Placed in a Youth Detention Center
    • Educator Licensure
    • Federal Programs
    • 21st Century Community Learning Centers
    • Graduation Requirements
    • Guidance About Personal Protection and Hygiene
    • Intervention Services
    • Learning-at-Home Resources for Families
    • MSIS and OTSS Support
    • School Closures
    • School Improvement
    • School Nutrition Program Meal Service
    • Special Education
    • Student Enrollment
    • Student Technology Support
    • Teacher Preparation




Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education




Montana Office of Public Instruction




Nebraska Department of Education




Nevada Department of Education




New Hampshire Department of Education




New Jersey Department of Education




New Mexico Department of Education




New York State Department of Education




North Carolina Department of Public Instruction




North Dakota Department of Public Instruction




Ohio Department of Education

Ohio's FAQ's includes a question related to serving youth in residential settings (i.e., group homes, local county detention facilities, etc.).

“34. May a contracted or mandated provider of education services (for example, district, educational service center or community school) continue to provide educational services to school-age children residing in the following settings: a) A residential group home or other residential group arrangement (including those that may be court placed); b) A local or county juvenile detention facility?

The ordered school-building closure does not mean residential facilities that are caring for school-age children nor juvenile detention facilities must close. These facilities are serving students primarily for other reasons (not primarily educational) and are not schools per se. At the same time, in the interest of slowing any spread of disease, extreme caution should be exercised to preserve and protect the health and safety of students and staff in these facilities, as well as educators and the community. Education providers and facility operators should evaluate these situations considering the following three principles:

  1. Is the nature of the activity essential?
  2. Can the activity be done virtually?
  3. If there is no other choice, then can the activity be done safely? This means individuals are separated by distance and not congregating in close proximity and the health of participants is protected.

Consulting the local health department is advisable and encouraged.

(Note that juvenile and adult correctional facilities were separately ordered to restrict access to their facilities to “personnel who are absolutely necessary for the operation of such facilities.”)

Just as with other students, a good-faith effort to provide continuity of service to students in these facilities would align with the governor's stated intent that “schools should work to provide education through alternate means.” Consequently, education providers should collaborate with facility operators to identify alternate means to provide educational services to the extent practicable. This could include a “blizzard bag” approach, remote learning, distance learning options, closed-circuit TV, or mail. As much as possible, sending educators to be physically present with students in such settings should be avoided.”

Ohio Department of Youth Services

  • Department of Youth Services ( (includes a Frequently Asked Questions for Staff)
    • “Q: How will we implement social distancing once the youth return from intersession?
    • A: We will be moving to virtual learning.
    • Q: Will school resume after intersession?
    • A: We are moving to a virtual learning environment after the intersession” (p.7).




Oklahoma State Department of Education




Oregon Department of Education




Pennsylvania Department of Education

What schools are closed?

“Under Governor Wolf's directive, all schools in Pennsylvania are closed. This includes: public K-12 schools, brick and mortar and cyber charter schools, private and parochial schools, career and technical centers (CTCs), intermediate units (IUs); and childcare centers operating within any of the aforementioned; educational programming for students in non-educational placements such as residential settings (boarding schools), residential facilities, detention centers, and hospital settings; PA Pre-K Counts, Head Start Programs and Preschool Early Intervention programs/services; and Private Academic Nursery Schools and locally funded prekindergarten activities. Additionally, postsecondary institutions have suspended in-person instruction and non-essential services.”




Rhode Island Department of Education




South Carolina Department of Education

As stated on page 2 of the Spring 2020 Assessment and Accountability Updates:

“The following requirements under the Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA) shall be in place:

  • the state's accountability system, requiring that designations made in fall 2019 remain in effect for one additional year;
  • the English language proficiency assessment is waived; • the ESSA required 95 percent participation rate on federally-required assessments is waived;
  • the alternate measure of achievement (which is South Carolina's “Growth” metric on the report card) is waived;
  • the student success or school quality metrics (which in South Carolina is the “Student Progress” metric, the “Student Engagement” metric, and the “College and Career Readiness” metric) is waived; and
  • certain public reporting requirements are waived.

This flexibility will allow us to focus on addressing this public health pandemic and meeting the immediate and most important needs of the students and faculty we serve. If you have any questions about assessments, please contact Elizabeth Jones at If you have any questions about the accountability system, please contact John Payne at”




South Dakota Department of Education




Tennessee State Department of Education




Texas Education Agency




Utah State Board of Education




State of Vermont Agency of Education




Virginia Department of Education




Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction




West Virginia Department of Education




Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction




Wyoming Department of Education




American Samoa




Federated States of Micronesia








Northern Mariana Islands




Puerto Rico




Republic of Palau

  • (on the main page there are a number of different announcements and links to resources for families and schools)




Republic of the Marshall Islands




The Virgin Islands


Youth, Families, Communities, or Advocates

Resource Type

Features from the Field
Reference & Implementation Guides
State Additional Resources


Safe & Supportive Learning Environments
Teaching and Learning
Teaching with Technology

Resource Date