
Voices From the Field Program Feature on the Intersection of Title I, Part D; McKinney-Vento Act; and Title I, Part A Foster Care

This Brief is written specifically for Title I, Part D State coordinators; State Agency and local program staff; Education for Homeless Children and Youth State coordinators and liaisons; and Title I, Part A Foster Care State Education Agencies and Local Education Agency points of contact. It provides an overview of the intersection between youth experiences of homelessness, child welfare, and juvenile justice involvement and the federal education programs that support them with the goal to encourage collaboration across federal programs and provide key resources to support this intersecting population.

Additionally, State coordinators may find the Appendix helpful to reference in future work for defining the various intersecting populations: neglected, delinquent, or at-risk (per Title l, Part D definition); homeless (per McKinney-Vento definition), and foster care (per Title l, Part A definition).


Non-Secure Settings
Researchers and Policymakers
Secure Long Term Settings
Secure Short Term Settings
Youth, Families, Communities, or Advocates

Resource Type

Reports & Briefs


Coordination and Collaboration

Resource Date