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Title I, Part D Nonregulatory Guidance Introduction



  1. State Agency Programs For Neglected And Delinquent Children (Part D, Subpart 1)
  2. Local Programs For At-Risk Youth (Part D, Subpart 2)
  3. Program Evaluations (Part D, Subpart 3)


The Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or At-Risk, authorized by Title I, Part D of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 2015, include two programs, one for State programs and another for local programs:

  1. Subpart 1 establishes the State agency Neglected or Delinquent (N or D) program, through which ED provides Federal financial assistance to State educational agencies (SEAs) to enable them to award subgrants to State agencies (SAs) that operate educational programs for children and youth in institutions or community day programs for children who are neglected, delinquent and at-risk and for children and youth in adult correctional facilities.
  2. Subpart 2 authorizes ED to award grants to SEAs to enable them to award subgrants to local educational agencies (LEAs) to provide programs that serve children and youth who are in locally operated correctional facilities or are attending community day programs for delinquent children and youth. Additionally, Subpart 2 programs may provide assistance to children and youth who are neglected or at-risk of dropping out of school.
  3. Subpart 3 of Part D requires SAs and LEAs to evaluate their programs at least once every 3 years to determine, by using multiple and appropriate evaluation measures, the programs’ effects on student achievement.

What are the Purposes of the Title I, Part D Program?

The purposes of Title I, Part D are to:

  1. improve educational services for children and youth in local and State institutions for neglected or delinquent children and youth so that they have the opportunity to meet the same challenging State academic content and State student achievement standards that all children in the State are expected to meet;
  2. provide these children with services to enable them to transition successfully from institutionalization to further schooling or employment; and
  3. prevent at-risk youth from dropping out of school as well as to provide dropouts and children and youth returning from correctional facilities or institutions for neglected or delinquent children and youth, with a support system to ensure their continued education.

What is the Purpose of this Guidance?

This guidance replaces prior 1997 nonregulatory guidance for the Title I, Part D program. The guidance describes the requirements of the Subpart 1 SA and Subpart 2 LEA programs and the evaluation requirements in Subpart 3. The guidance also provides suggestions for addressing many of these requirements. This document does not impose any new requirements beyond those in the ESEA and other applicable Federal statutes and regulations. Title I, Part D program regulations can be found in 34 CFR 200.90 and 200.91. States may wish to consider the guidance in developing their own guidelines and standards; however, they are free to develop alternative approaches that meet applicable Federal statutory and regulatory requirements.